Monday, October 27, 2008

Meet Charles!

We got a CAT! So Eric and I decided to get a little something to hang around the house and entertain us. So we got Charles! We got him when he was about 9 weeks old. He was just a tiny kitten and he was throwing a fit the entire ride home. The first few days we had him he would just hide from us but after that he got a lot more comfortable. It was so sad though because for about the first month and a half whenever we left he would hide in-between a chair and the couch and he would stay there until we came home. But now he has no more fear...he is always all over the place making havoc :)

In case you haven't met Charles he is a very big talker. Charles meows constantly. It is so funny sometimes because we say things to him and he always replies with a meow...HaHa! But Charles is our favorite. It is kind of ridiculous that we treat him like our child and spoil him a little too much but we love him!

Charles's Favorite Things:
-Looking out the window
-Playing with his ball
-Sitting on the porch
-Laying on the top bunkbed
-Drinking out of the toilet
-Snuggling at 6a.m.
-Talking(hence meowing)
-Roughhousing with Eric
-Sitting on the computer

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